CAMPO: An Anthology of Optimism

Contemporary world drama in divadlo Archa on May 10 & 11, 20:00 Staff

Written by Staff Published on 09.05.2011 11:41:44 (updated on 09.05.2011) Reading time: 2 minutes

CAMPO: An Anthology of Optimism
by Pieter de Buysser & Jacob Wren
May 10 & 11, 20:00 / Archa Theatre
Czech premiere
(in English)

Fans of contemporary world drama have a reason for optimism. In May the Archa Theatre will present An Anthology of Optimism by Belgium´s CAMPO Theatre, a celebration of critical optimism directed by Jacob Wren and Pieter de Buysser that explores the dream of a better tomorrow.

Pieter De Buysser and Jacob Wren wrote a letter that began, “An Anthology of Optimism is a pre-emptive celebration of a critical optimism we tentatively hope will increase in the twenty-first century.” They sent the letter to writers, artists, thinkers, scientists, politicians and businesspeople all over the world, asking for a response, a contribution. This could be anything: a photograph, a piece of music, an object, a short text, a drawing or painting, a film or video, or something else entirely.

The setting for the lecture-performance is simple: Jacob and Pieter alone on stage, using the contributions they received as a framework for their own realizations and reflections, delightfully enacting a process of research into how critical optimism might function in our world. They take the spectator on a journey through the fragments of today´s dreams for tomorrow, gathered from different corners of the world.

Jacob Wren is a writer and maker of eccentric performances. His books include: Unrehearsed Beauty, Families are Formed through Copulation and Revenge Fantasies of the Politically Dispossessed. As co-artistic director of Montreal-based interdisciplinary group PME-ART he has co-created: En français comme en anglais, it’s easy to criticize, Unrehearsed Beauty / Le génie des autres, La famille se crée en copulant and the ongoing HOSPITALITÉ / HOSPITALITY series. He frequently writes about contemporary art. He first met Belgian writer, philosopher and theatre-maker Pieter De Buysser in 2000 in CAMPO nieuwpoort, Ghent (B). They felt a great affinity with each other and started an intensive correspondence resulting in An Anthology of Optimism.
The performance is in English with Czech subtitles.        

Tickets CZK 290 (students CZK 190) on sale at the Archa Theatre box office and Ticketpro outlets.
More information, photos and media accreditation:
Pavlína Svatoňová –, 739 077 956
Tel: +420 221 716 110
Fax: +420 221 719 666

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