Up to one-third of the Czechs who had Covid-19 last year caught it probably at workplace, most often healthcare workers and teachers, Charles University's Public Health and Epidemiology Institute wrote in a press release, citing its head physician Milan Tuček. Over 730,000 people got infected with novel coronavirus in the Czech Republic from March 1, 2020, when the first cases appeared, to the end of 2020, and almost 1.7 million have got infected up to now. Apart from doctors, nurses, teachers and social care workers, the professions with the highest number of those infected at work were also machine operators, clerks, and miners in 2020. Out of last year's 732,000 cases of Coivd-19 infection, about 9 percent (64,587) figure as "probable infection at workplace" by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics (ÚZIS). Another 184,000 cases, pr one quarter of all, figure in the "work contact" category that involves the patients who got in contact with coronavirus at the workplace but their direct infection there cannot be taken for sure.