Czech morning news in brief: Top headlines for August 10, 2021

UN's climate report shows impact of climate change on Czech Republic, 600 illegal workers uncovered in raids, cooler temps forecast for second part of Aug. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 10.08.2021 09:54:00 (updated on 10.08.2021) Reading time: 3 minutes

UN climate report: Czech Republic is affected by climate change

Climate change is evident in the Czech Republic through temperature increases, Pavel  Zahradníček from the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences said following the publication of a report by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). “The Czech Republic’s warmest ever years correspond with global increases over the last five years,” he said. Manifestations of the changing climate include extreme temperatures, extended heat waves, droughts, and torrential rains. The report predicts that glaciers will keep receding in polar regions and extreme climatic events will become more common. It is probable that the Arctic will be without ice from time to time in the summer months by 2050. The report said human activities are responsible for the rise in the Earth’s temperatures. A 1.5-degree Celsius change above pre-industrial levels is expected in the 2030s or earlier, causing irreversible global damage, according to scientists.

Poll shows Czechs are against fees for healthcare

A huge majority of Czechs would reject the reintroduction of healthcare fees and reductions in hospital beds, according to the results of a poll conducted in May and June by the CVVM polling institute. The results show a dramatic decrease in support for the establishment of a single health insurance company compared to previous surveys. None of the proposals put forward by the poll gained the support of more than half of the respondents. The most unpopular proposals were a reduction in hospital beds, rejected by 88 percent of Czechs, and the reintroduction of patients’ fees for medical check-ups, rejected by 85 percent. On the other hand, two-fifths of respondents were in favor of increasing the amount of health insurance to be paid by at-risk groups. Only around one-third of Czechs support the establishment of a single health insurance company – 12 percent less than in 2019.

Customs officers reveal over 600 foreign workers violating the law

Customs officers revealed over 600 foreigners working illegally in the Czech Republic in raids of accommodation facilities, catering establishments, and automotive and processing plants that took place over the past two months. Sixty-seven workers had no residence permit and 241 had no work permit, General Customs Directorate spokeswoman Hana Prudičová told ČTK. Employers face fines of up to several million crowns for labor law violations. "During the checks, customs officers uncovered 607 foreigners violating the law. In 299 cases, the employers did not meet the duty to inform the respective labor office's regional branch (about the foreigners' employment)," Prudičová said. The highest number of illegal work activities (113) was revealed in the Pilsen region.

The second half of August will bring below-average temps and rain

The next four weeks in the Czech Republic will see average or slightly below-average temperatures. This week will be the warmest, particularly the second half of the week. The most rain will fall between August 23 to 29 according to the long-term weather forecast published yesterday by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI). This week, the minimum nighttime temperatures will be around 15 degrees Celsius. Maximum daily temperatures will rise to 26 degrees. It should be even warmer on Friday, up to 29 degrees. The coming weeks will be average to slightly below average and the last week in August will be the coldest with an average of the lowest night temperatures around ten degrees and an average of the highest daily temperatures around 22 degrees.

ČEZ energy group's profits down 89 percent in first half of the year

The net profit of the ČEZ energy group in the first half of this year fell by 89 percent year on year to CZK 1.6 billion. Operating income rose 2 percent to 108.2 billion and operating profit before depreciation fell 18 percent to 31.6 billion. The newly released data was published by ČEZ Group on its website on Tuesday. According to ČEZ the energy group's decline in net profit was due to the deterioration of market conditions for coal energy in connection with the increase in the European Union's climate goals and the recommendation of the Czech Coal Commission to stop burning coal by 2038.

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