Czech Pensioner Cited for Pants-Free Gardening

We’re guessing the neighbors who turned him in have never heard of World Naked Gardening Day? Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 08.06.2017 10:12:01 (updated on 08.06.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

We already know that Praguers don’t bat an eyelash at a nudist in their midst, but a recent news story suggests that Czechs in the provinces may be a bit less tolerant.

Case in point: an elderly man from the Czech town of Vizovice near Zlín is facing criminal charges for doing lawn work in the nude, reports

The 62-year-old’s neighbor turned him into police this week after he ignored her repeated requests to cover up (the man regularly sported a t-shirt and hat but no undergarments or pants) while working outside.

A spokeswoman for the Zlín police told the publication: “The woman lives in a neighboring family home together with her almost year-old son who often spends time in the garden with an upleasant view of the working neighbor.”

The neighbor in question, Vera Kafková, 34, said:

“Of course I told him several times. Basically, the neighbor goes back to his shed, dresses there, but in a few days [the situation] repeats itself. I’m afraid to invite someone to visit not [for fear that they will be] offended but rather disgusted.”

If convicted the man could spend up to two years in jail for violating the disorderly conduct (trestný čin výtržnictví) statute of the Czech criminal code which classifies “gross indecency” as punishable by law.

While naked gardening by senior citizens may be frowned upon, it seems that, in Prague at least, tolerance for topless sunbathing is a bit more lax.

We’re guessing Ms. Kafková has never heard of World Naked Gardening Day, an annual phenomenon now in its 14th year where green thumbs around the globe shed their clothes and tend to the tomatoes au naturel.

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