Czech PM Andrej Babiš: Politics Has Been “a Disaster”

The Prime Minister is meeting with Microsoft head Bill Gates this morning, but had some candid answers for students in Innsbruck yesterday

Jason Pirodsky

Written by Jason Pirodsky Published on 18.10.2018 12:32:12 (updated on 18.10.2018) Reading time: 1 minute

This morning, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country, is having a meeting with Microsoft founder Bill Gates – no slouch himself – at Gates’ request in Brussels.

The two are expected to discuss humanitarian aid in Africa as part of the EU summit in Brussels.

Yesterday, however, Babiš spoke to students during a conference in Innsbruck – and had some surprisingly candid responses for them, according to

“It was a disaster for my family and for my business,” Babiš remarked, referring to his entry into politics. Apparently, it also took a toll on his health.

“Plus, I’m fat,” he said. “But I will not tell you my weight.”

During the conference, the Czech Prime Minister spoke about the importance of the European Union and praised the Czech Republic’s independent police force, respected courts, free media, and lowest unemployment rate in Europe.

Afterwards, however, he met with some tough questions from Czech students that were living abroad. One of whom asked Babiš why he should return to the Czech Republic after his studies when the average wage in the country (31,000 CZK) was less than the minimum wage in Austria.

“Because you are a proud Czech,” Babiš replied.

The Prime Minister also implied that there’s a need for a younger generation to take things over in the Czech Republic. “I can retire next October,” he said, referring to his age.

He also spoke about current Czech President Miloš Zeman.

“My relations with the President are quite normal and pragmatic. I criticized his speech with vulgar words,” he remarked, referring to Zeman’s controversial recent radio broadcast.

“Zeman looks for conflicts, I do not.”

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