Czech Republic coronavirus updates, July 31: 252 new cases, Tunisia listed among safe countries

Prague has reported 23 cases per 100,000 residents over the past week, many linked to a party at the Techtle Mechtle club

Jason Pirodsky

Written by Jason Pirodsky Published on 31.07.2020 09:56:02 (updated on 31.07.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

There were 252 new COVID-19 cases reported in the Czech Republic yesterday, according to the latest data published by the Czech Health Ministry this morning.

The number of new cases is slightly lower than those reported on Wednesday and Tuesday, and roughly in line with numbers reported over the past week.

The number of tests conducted has risen over recent days, with more than 7,000 on both Tuesday and Wednesday; the number of tests performed Thursday will be published later today. During last week, around 6,000 tests were performed daily.

The highest number of new cases in the Czech Republic continues to be reported in the Prachtice district, which has recorded 73 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the past seven days. Results of mass testing at the Intica Systems firm, where 30 employees and their contacts have been diagnosed with COVID-19, will be known later today.

In Jihlava, the number of new cases has fallen to 21 per 100,000 residents over the past week. Karviná, a previous epicenter of COVID-19 cases in the Czech Republic, has reported 22 new cases per 100,000 residents over the past week.

In Prague, there have been 23 cases per 100,000 residents over the past week. A party at the Prague 2 club Techtle Mechtle in mid-July has now been linked to 158 cases.

Districts surrounding Prague, including Praha-západ (29 cases per 100,000 residents), Praha-východ (21 cases per 100,000 residents), and Nymburk (31 cases per 100,000 residents) have also seen an uptick in the number of new COVID-19 cases reported over the past week.

The Czech Republic has now reported a total of 16,342 COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis in mid-March.

On Thursday, the number COVID-19-related deaths in the Czech Republic rose by two, to 379.

There are currently 4,481 known active COVID-19 cases in the Czech Rpeublic, the highest number since April 11. Out of those, 121 patients are currently being hospitalized, with 20 in serious condition.

As of Monday, the Czech Republic will officially add Tunisia to its list of safe countries, enabling restriction-free travel between the two countries. A popular vacation destination for locals, Tunisia added the Czech Republic to its list of safe countries earlier in the week.

On Monday, the Czech Health Ministry will release a new “traffic light” map of the Czech Republic that will highlight risk areas around the country by district. The risk level of a district, even at the highest “red” level, will not necessarily result in different measures implemented.

Anti-coronavirus testing has been possible at Prague Airport over the past month, but there have been reports of long lines that take hours to process and people turned away due to lack of testing capacity.

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