Mrs. Clinton’s health had already been a contentious talking point for Donald Trump, and the brief video – which the Democrat’s team blamed on pneumonia – added some visual fuel to the fire.
Thank you, Zdenek Gazda @zgazda66 for your video which exposed to the world how sick crooked Hillary was! DNC been by fooling people!
Yesterday, Gažda gave his very first interview with US media, speaking to Newsweek, who calls him “the Czech Donald Trump supporter whose 9/11 video likely swayed the election.”
A former firefighter in the Czech Republic, Gažda attends the memorial for first responders in New York every year. This year, he was on hand with camera and decided to start filming when Clinton was outside waiting for her car.
“After a couple of seconds, I see she is shaking, and she has a problem [standing], and a couple of guys hold her,” he told Newsweek.
“I got a little scared because I see what’s going on, and I turn off the video, but still I’m watching.”