New Travel Guide Puts Czech Monasteries On the Map

Monastery Trails suggests where to sleep on the cheap in Prague plus travel tips for convents and monasteries in Czechia Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 24.07.2017 12:12:37 (updated on 24.07.2017) Reading time: 2 minutes

Long before Airbnb, weary pilgrims sought room and board in monasteries and convents, exchanging spiritual devotion and a few alms for respite in sacred surrounds.

A newly launched travel resource encourages a return to those ancient predecessors of the couch-surfing experience: Klášterní stezky (Monastery Trails), created by the Teaching Faculty at Charles University, aims to promote Czech convents and monasteries as overlooked tourist destinations.

“Monasteries are…a group of monuments, which attract not only those interested in culture but also admirers of technical and natural monuments. Therefore [our] site provides a simple signpost for you…where to find practical information about opening times or possible accommodation and breweries,” says the Klášterní stezky site.

A room at the Dominican Priory /
A room at the Dominican Priory /

Many of the convents, monasteries, parishes, and churches that offer lodging also host programs for architecture and history buffs as well as, for the truly devoted, the chance to become a monk for a week.

There is still time to take advantage of the summer season with a number events listed on the site throughout the summer.

Our tip for a trip: explore the Broumov churches, a unique collection of ecclesiastical structures, among them, one of the oldest sacred wooden buildings in Central Europe, open to tourists for the first time this summer.

In Prague, where can one go to experience the serenity of a monastic life?

Dominican Priory /
Dominican Priory /

The Loreto, Capuchin Monastery has 25 rooms, and free Wi-Fi for 400 CZK a night (300 CZK with a sleeping bag); rooms at the Dominican Priory, on Husova Street, range from 300-700 CZ CZK per night.

In Břevnov Monastery, Hotel Adalbert is more of a traditional hotel that is part of the monastery grounds; rooms begin at 1,350 CZK.

Other monastery hotels include Hotel Unitas, a convent on Bartolomejska street, and Strahov Monastery, Hotel Monastery where one night in a double room will set you back 3,000 CZK.

Reservations are required and some monasteries have rules, such as declaring yourself as a Christian or attending mass.

Other resources for those who want to look into Czech summer pilgrimages and monastery stays, including the Svatojakubská trail leading to Santiago de Compostela are and

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