Passengers were held at Prague’s Václav Havel Airport until around 22:00 while police conducted an examination of the plane and individual interviews with those on board.
“Everything seemed normal during the flight,” one passenger told the Manchester Evening News.
“We were just told the flush was broken and we should use the toilets at the back of the plane.”
“As soon as we landed the captain said someone had left a threatening note in a toilet and we were not to move and had to leave everything on the plane.”
But a thorough police investigation of the plane and luggage found no evidence of a bomb.
Policie na letišti v Praze prověřovala potenciální hrozbu bomby na palubě letadla. Letadlo je po bezpečném přistání kontrolováno policejními pyrotechniky, cestující jsou po vytěžení postupně propouštěni do vnitrozemí. Nedošlo k žádné škodě na majetku, ohrožení života ani zdraví.
“After a safe landing, the aircraft was handled by the police pyrotechnics unit, and the passengers were gradually released to the airport after disembarking. There was no damage to property, or danger to life or health.”