Young woman with face mask in department store via iStock / franckreporter
Prague, June 26 (CTK) – The novel coronavirus pandemic will probably negatively impact the number of Czechs who visit shopping malls, according to an Ipsos agency poll released today.
The poll shows that 24 percent of Czech shoppers plan to make use of large shopping centers significantly less or even not at all.
They also plan to spend less money in shopping centers.
In the poll, Czechs said they are mainly concerned about the economic impacts of the pandemic, with 55 percent of respondents saying they fear that their income will be lower and one-third that their company will start downsizing.
The need to save more money was reported by 59 percent of respondents.
Roughly one-fourth of Czechs said they avoid shopping centers because of the high concentration of people there and the bigger risk of contracting COVID-19.
Before the pandemic, two-thirds of people visited a shopping center at least once every two weeks, mostly people living in large cities or in towns of more than 100,000 inhabitants.
Typically, one person spent between 500 to 2,000 crowns per visit.
One-fourth of respondents said they plan to spend less, mainly women and people under 35.
Retail Association chairman Václav Hrbek said many company owners and directors are concerned about the results of the poll, with only 5 percent of Czechs planning to shop at malls and shopping centers more frequently, and only 3 percent saying they plan to spend more.
Before the pandemic, 51 percent of Czechs preferred to drive to the shopping center in their own car. Now, the number is 63 percent.
At the start of June, 42 percent of people limited the use of public transport and two-thirds tried to avoid large concentrations of people.
The respondents said that for the sake of their sense of security, they would welcome more disinfectant available in shopping centers, checks of how persons observe protective measures and limits to large numbers of people gathering together.
During the pandemic, the number of people buying goods online increased significantly. In the case of books, toys and pharmacy items, the increase was by 17 percent.
Roughly one-tenth of respondents said they will continue ordering items online.
The poll was conducted between May 29 and June 3, involving 1,100 respondents.