I was tipped by an Italian friend that this place served the best Italian food in all Prague. He schooled me in the proper Italian way to enjoy a meal: at least three hours, covering appetizer, two main dishes, and dessert. Wine is an absolute must, “to properly enjoy the food.” Imagine my surprise when I found the place (beside the entrance to František Gardens on Jungmannovo náměstí), and outside is a small green and white sign saying “Pizza to go, take away food.” Looks deceive. The entrance is one long and steep stairway, at the bottom of which one makes a right hand turn and viola! Instant Tuscany. A rather large room with plenty of pastel painted walls, light greens, tourqoise and gentle orange all covered by a bright white ceiling. Not to mention a three part aquarium that is a solid 4 meters in length and a large-screen TV showing clips of the beauty of Italian sea and beach lifestyle. A very inviting environment.