White Christmas Predicted for Czech Republic this Year

According to weather reports, Christmas 2016 should be “white and frosty” for the first time since 2010

Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas

Written by Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas Published on 19.12.2016 12:26:19 (updated on 19.12.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

Reports from on-line weather source Meteo Press are predicting weather patterns across the Czech lands next weekend that are sure to “remind us that it’s Christmas.”

Average daytime temperatures are expected to hit just one degree above zero; a bit of a dip compared to last year’s temperature of seven degrees on December 24, the weather site is reporting.

Sporadic snowfall is forecasted throughout the country both in the mountains, where drifts and freezing fog are expected, as well as the low-lying regions.

Christmas morning should be a chilly one with freezing temperatures reaching -4 degrees Celsius; nightime temperatures could fall to -6 to -10 degrees, possibly more.

Similar weather is predicted to last throughout the entire holiday season, possibly followed by a thaw.

According to the site, the country saw its last white Christmas in 2010; it is also reporting that Christmas Eve will be the coldest it has been in six years.

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