7 tips for a scenic drive through the castles and forests of South Bohemia
Hop in the car through the long weekend and explore the nature and history of the charmed southern Czech region.
Autumn-color road trip: Scenic driving routes from Prague to Austria and Slovenia
Choose your own adventure with these tips for fall-color trips through countryside, cities, and castles.
Ride a wave from Prague to Portugal: As summer ends, surf season begins
Summer may be drawing to a close but in Portugal, surf season is just starting up. Here’s how to plan your perfect surf vacation from Czechia.
Adventure travel: Take a scenic seven-day road trip through Czechia
See the best parts of Southern Bohemia and Moravia with our itinerary that includes castles, 20th-century history, cave exploration, and much more.
Adventure travel: Visit Czechia's most extreme attractions this summer
From a mountain rollercoaster to a sky bridge, these destinations promise gorgeous views as well as adrenaline-fueled fun.
Hiring from within: ExxonMobil in Prague puts career development first
ExxonMobil's Prague office reached a milestone in 2021, adding 200 new skilled jobs for its employees.
Prague-based family advisor helps employees navigate 'digital parenting'
Family advisor Martina Slabá tells us how companies can best help employees manage work-life balance amidst the Covid pandemic.
When home office hurts: 12 tips for setting up a better remote workspace
The Prague office of ExxonMobil lent us their in-house ergonomic lead who shared her tips for a healthy body and mind while we work from home.