New study reveals which days, how often Praguers work from home
More people are coming into the office compared to 2023, which has also increased passenger numbers on Prague's metro network.
EXPAT VOICES: Foreign employees on returning to office vs. hybrid work in Czechia
In an earlier survey, we asked readers how much they prioritize hybrid or fully remote working, and whether they base job searches on this.
Hybrid work models are attracting seven times more candidates in Czechia
A recent survey found that despite employers' push to return to the office, retaining talent may require adapting work models and office environments.
Czechia's reimbursement plan for remote workers could take effect next month
Under the proposal, employees who work from home will receive an extra 4.60 crowns per hour to help cover energy costs and other office expenses.
Seeking greater fulfillment in your professional life? Consider coach training
Two decades ago, Norbert Riethof brought a new type of personal and professional development to Czechia. Today, there’s more demand for his work than ever.
EXPLAINED: The rules for working abroad remotely for a Czech-based company
The rapidly increasing trend of companies allowing employees to work from abroad provides more freedom, though not without administrative obstacles.
Profession and nationality affect how often people work in the office vs. at home
Europeans still go to the office more than Americans, but Czechs have found the 'happy medium,' according to a new report.
Remote work remains highly desirable among Czech employees
Over half of employees said they would like to work from home at least three days per week. Employers' willingness on the idea, however, is not as strong.
70 percent of Czech companies feel pressure to raise wages
Recruitment firm Hays says Czech companies are increasingly looking abroad to fill positions.
Coffee breaks and companions: What we miss when working from home
A Prague-based training course can help keep the human element in the remote workplace.
Coworking spaces expanding in Czechia as demand for new offices stagnates
The pandemic showed many companies that large offices are not needed, and coworking spaces might be more effective.
Majority of Czechs rejecting home office – and respirators at work? No thanks
Despite the rise in Covid cases, there is no strong support of working from home or for respirators in the office.
Study: Country living makes a comeback in the Czech Republic as remote work is here to stay
A combination of the pandemic and technology means people no longer have to live in major cities to work, but they may need new job skills.
Czech morning news in brief: top stories for March 15, 2021
A man attempted to break into Prague Castle this weekend, support for ANO party at record low, and Ryan Gosling spy thriller to shoot in Czechia.
The do's and don'ts of home office in the Czech Republic
Avoid wearing your pjs, sloppy time keeping, tech fails, and these other work-from-home mistakes.
When home office hurts: 12 tips for setting up a better remote workspace
The Prague office of ExxonMobil lent us their in-house ergonomic lead who shared her tips for a healthy body and mind while we work from home.
Spread of COVID-19 on the decline in Prague as more people stay home, work from home
Prague Mayor Zdeněk Hřib says that more than half of Prague residents have switched to home office.