Lutheran Church in Prague

Lutheran Church in Prague

Now open - closes at 18:00

English service at 11.00, currently meeting at St. Michael Lutheran Church on V Jircharich 152/14, Nove Mesto

We are Christians – Evangelicals of the Augsburg Confession (Lutherans).

We acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and as the Head of the universal Christian Church, and we align ourselves with the Church Reformation of Dr. Martin Luther of the 16th century, with a special emphasis on the Bible – the Holy Scriptures – as the authoritative Word of God, God’s grace making salvation possible and offering it to people freely, and the necessity of a personal faith in Jesus for salvation. Our confessions have been collected in the Book of Concord, presenting the Lutheran exposition of the basic biblical doctrines.

We are a member congregation of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession (ECAV) in the Czech Republic and we are part of the confessing Lutheran congregations’ family including congregations of Lutheran churches in the US, Germany, Scandinavia and in many other parts of the world.

We would like to be a community offering a spiritual home to both Christians and those who are still searching for answers to questions relating to God and their personal relationship with Him.

The English service is being served in cooperation with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) from the US.


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