Specializing in Anxiety and Depression

Specializing in Anxiety and Depression

Elišky Krásnohorské 135/7, Praha 1, 11000 Now closed - opens

I’ve been a Clinical Psychologist for over 25 years. I trained in the United States and Canada and spent much of my career on the faculty of a Big Ten university medical center. Over the years, I’ve trained scores of psychologists and provided therapy, assessment, case management, and advocacy services for more than two thousand patients and clients. I am licensed to practice psychology in both the Czech Republic and the state of Minnesota.

I offer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders (specializing in panic attacks and phobias), depression, and related conditions. CBT is a research-backed, practical, and results-driven approach that focuses on problem-solving, skill development, and targeted practice. Clients with anxiety often see improvements within a month or two, and most complete treatment within six months.

CBT can be a total game-changer. If you’ve been in therapy for months or even years without experiencing relief, you probably were not getting the right treatment. With CBT, issues like panic attacks and phobias (such as fear of flying) can be brought under control surprisingly fast.

CBT for depression is also highly effective (it's super-effective if you are already taking medication). Most people begin to feel new hope early in treatment as they begin to start making progress. Change takes time, new skills, and practice—but momentum builds quickly, and success breeds success. Others have found clarity and peace, and you can too.

Once acute issues are resolved and clients are practicing good "mood hygiene skills," many stay in therapy longer to work on deeper, long term growth or life transition-related issues. I often integrate Narrative Therapy techniques in this work. This approach can be especially valuable for people looking to get back on track with their life—whether that means getting reconnected to core values, overcoming long-standing issues with underperformance, or gaining clarity on "the highest and best use of YOU."

As a board-certified Pediatric Neuropsychologist, I also offer a wide range of assessments for both children and adults, from learning difficulties to adult ADHD. I’ve led training workshops for physicians and psychologists in the US, Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands on assessing and treating ADHD. I also served as President of the American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology from 2011 to 2012.

I have hundreds of psychological and neuropsychologist tests in my test library, and assessment plays a central role with my therapy clients. A solid pre-therapy assessment saves us time by giving me a lot of essential information before our first visit, and also helps guide the direction we will go in treatment. Most new clients take a Big Five personality questionnaire, a symptom checklist, and a norm-referenced diagnostic questionnaire covering a wide range of clinical conditions. The goal is for you to understand yourself – to get a really deep understanding of your own temperament and basic nature – and then develop necessary skills to help you manage temperament-driven issues and find your way to a style of living that works with your nature (and not against it!).

Throughout my career, I’ve worked as a psychotherapist, health psychologist, hospital-based academician, research consultant, and neuropsychologist. I’ve also been a professional speaker, giving talks around the world (you can watch some of them at the website www.buildingbetterbrains.com). A few years ago, I gave a TEDx talk right here in Prague, which you can watch below.

You can contact me any time to schedule a totally free 30+ minute phone or video consultation. Whatever you’re up against, I’ve likely seen it before and I will almost certainly be able to give you a good sense of what the issue you're dealing with stems from, what treatment would be most effective, and how long it should take to see progress. I'm generous with my time, and I promise it will be worth it.