22 properties

Family house for sale, 167m2, 1001m2 of land


13 500 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services

Family house for sale, 240m2, 1500m2 of land


8 990 000 CZK, with agency fees

Multigenerational home for sale, 146m2, 146m2 of land


6 100 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services

Family house for sale, 110m2, 277m2 of land

Vojkovice - Bukol

8 200 000 CZK

Family house for sale, 156m2, 1314m2 of land

Všestudy - Dušníky nad Vltavou

9 999 999 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services

Family house for sale, 195m2, 614m2 of land

Velké Přílepy

9 990 000 CZK, with agency fees

Family house for sale, 160m2, 616m2 of land

V Zahradách, Olovnice

9 190 000 CZK, with agency fees

Family house for sale, 121m2, 660m2 of land

K Levému Hradci, Husinec - Řež

9 200 000 CZK, with agency fees

Family house for sale, 160m2, 115m2 of land

U Špejcharu, Odolena Voda

5 490 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services

Family house for sale, 261m2, 1135m2 of land

Na Výsluní, Tuchoměřice

27 500 000 CZK

Family house for sale, 70m2, 1416m2 of land

Tiché údolí, Roztoky

25 000 000 CZK

Family house for sale, 276m2, 681m2 of land

U Žlábku, Nelahozeves - Hleďsebe 1.díl

12 900 000 CZK, with agency fees

Family house for sale, 237m2, 542m2 of land


5 200 000 CZK, with agency fees

Family house for sale, 390m2, 1424m2 of land

Náves, Úholičky

25 000 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services

Multigenerational home for sale, 413m2, 515m2 of land

V. Moravce, Stehelčeves

16 900 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services