“Seriously concerned about the changes in support for the development of culture in the capital city, the undersigned, in accordance with law 85/1990 Sb. on the right to petition, are appealing to the Council of the City of Prague on a matter of public concern. The implementation of flat-rate ticket subsidies, which are also open to commercial cultural activities, has led to a fundamental reduction of support to non-profit making organisations offering cultural services to citizens of Prague, and therefore poses a threat to their continual activities. Some of them are even at risk of having to discontinue their activities during the course of 2008. These organisations include Divadlo Semafor, Archa, Divadlo bratří Formanů, Divadlo v Celetné, Divadlo Alfred ve dvoře, Strašnické divadlo, Galerie kritiků, Galerie Futura, the festivals TANEC PRAHA, Days of European Film, New Music Marathon, The Prague Contemporary Art Festival – Tina B. and others.