A total of 150,000 brand-new fathers, over two-fifths of new fathers in the Czech Republic, have taken the available week-long paternity leave to stay with their newborn child and the mother at home since February 2018, when paternity leave was introduced. Fathers who have regularly paid sick insurance are entitled to seven days of paid leave during the first six weeks after their child's birth, receiving an allowance of 70 percent of their wage. The state spent CZK 831 million on paternity leave from February 2018 to the end of March 2021, according to new statistics released by the Labour and Social Affairs Ministry. In 2018 the CSSD registered a total of 43,442 cases of paternity leave. In 2020, 45,959 fathers took paternity leave, and in the first quarter of 2021, 11,292 fathers took the leave. Paternity leave was introduced in the Czech Republic as a step to get fathers more involved in child care. As of August 2022 at the latest, paternity leave should be extended to at least ten days based on the European Union directive for harmonizing professional career and family, which the member countries are bound to transpose into their legislation.