If you're an American citizen, you can vote from Prague in 2024 US election

The Globe Bookstore and Cafe in Prague 1 will this weekend accept voter registrations and offer voting advice for US citizens.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 20.09.2024 14:52:00 (updated on 20.09.2024) Reading time: 1 minute

This article was submitted by Democrats Abroad.

Forty-six days. That's how long there is left until the 2024 U.S. presidential election. If you're an American voting from abroad on Nov. 5, you and your vote are most certainly important.

Indeed, it was the American vote from abroad that flipped tight races in the 2020 election, including Arizona and Georgia, determining the final composition of the White House and Senate.

Did you know that you can still vote even if you haven't lived in the U.S. for years, and have no connection to where you last lived? And that most states allow U.S. citizens the right to vote even if they have never lived in the U.S.?

Voting from abroad may have a lot of twists and turns to it, but one group in Prague is ready to help straighten it out for you.

Get an in-person helping hand

Democrats Abroad is holding voter registration and voting-help sessions this weekend to make sure you’re ready. They will be at the Globe Bookstore and Cafe on Pštrossova Street in Prague 1 on Saturday, Sept. 21, or Sunday, Sept. 22, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

If you’re registered as an overseas voter and have requested your ballot this year, you should receive your ballot by Sept. 21 from your state. If you haven’t, or if you need help sending it in, stop by The Globe for support!

Democrats Abroad can help you send in your ballot request and check your registration status, print out forms, and even print ballots if yours has arrived. They can also help you fax your ballot back if you’re a voter from California or Florida, Alaska, Louisiana, or Oklahoma.

They will also have voting material envelopes to hand out. And we’ve heard that they even have “I voted” stickers ready!

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