The sheer diversity of the different Lego ranges which exist is mindboggling. There’s Lego Castle (defend your fort with a Lego catapult against a Lego dragon), Pirate Lego (defend your Lego galleon against Lego sharks and sea-serpents), Lego Pharoah (defend your Lego Mummy against Lego explorers in the Lego Pyramid), Viking Lego, Lego Atlantis, Lego Space— and we haven’t even got to the movie tie-ins yet. Some of these have aged better than others—it seems right that while there’s an entire room devoted to Star Wars, there’s only half a shelf that’s Indiana Jones related. The Star Wars room will be the highlight of the trip for kids and adults alike: who could resist the chance to see a Lego R2-D2, Millennium Falcon, or Darth Vader?