Prague Metronome Could Become a Museum

A multifunctional gallery space with several exhibition halls is being proposed for the underground space beneath the Metronome at Letná Park Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 15.08.2018 10:49:44 (updated on 15.08.2018) Reading time: 1 minute

The 75-foot-tall Metronome overlooking the Vltava from Letná Park fills a symbolic space once occupied by a giant monument to Joseph Stalin which was demolished in 1962.

Installed in the early 1990s the Metronome became a hangout for skaters; today it is the site of Stalin by Containall, an outdoor venue and culture space.

Czech business site E15 is now reporting that Prague councilors want to revitalize the Letná icon by incorporating a gallery, concert venue, or theater into its underground spaces.

A new proposal by Mayor Adriana Krnáčová recommends the launch of a public contract for the preparation of project documentation for the repair of the premises.

“We want to fix the whole space and use it meaningfully,” she told the publication. “It is already in a state of emergency, and that investment is therefore absolutely necessary.”

Prague 7 officials immediately expressed strong objections, saying that any kind of building activities to this part of Letná plane would be invasive and could “destroy Letná Park as we know it.”

The proposal suggests the redevelopment of the monument and its surroundings to incorporate a multifunctional gallery space on the site with several exhibition halls, where the former regime and the history of the place would be remembered, but where there would be space for the current street scene.

“I have been talking about [it] with the National Gallery in Prague and so far the director welcomes it,” said Krnáčová.

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