The Daily Dozen: 12 things to know about Czechia today

Police warn about counterfeit euros, the high costs of bird flu, a new look for Kofila, and more buzzworthy headlines for Feb. 3, 2023. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 03.02.2023 15:58:00 (updated on 03.02.2023) Reading time: 3 minutes


Prague City Hall|Representatives of the Spolu, Pirates, and Mayors and Independents parties tentatively completed coalition talks on Wednesday night after four months of negotiations, ČTK reports. The parties plan to sign a contract before a meeting of city representatives on Feb. 16, when they will likely elect Bohuslava Svoboda as the new Prague mayor.

scam alert

Counterfeit euros|Czech police are looking for people who may have unknowingly received counterfeit euro bills from a scammer, according to an official statement. The police are asking people who recently took part in bazaar sales on the internet and were paid in euros to check the banknotes, and in case of suspicions to call 158. They also emphasize that, in some countries, payment with fake currency can lead to imprisonment.


  • 7 million: The number of eggs that a breeder in the Tachov region disposed of due to bird flu
  • 742,000: How many poultry that a breeder in the Tachov region disposed of due to the virus
  • 300 million: The compensation (in CZK) that the Ministry of Agriculture has earmarked for all Czech breeders affected by bird flu
  • Source: Seznam Zprávy


Paris Olympics|The Czech Olympic Committee (ČOV) does not plan to boycott the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris even if the games include athletes from Russia and Belarus. Athletes from the two countries cannot take part in most races held internationally, following a recommendation by the International Olympic Committee. Read more in our story.


One of the winning designs of Kofila, via the brand's Facebook page
One of the winning designs of Kofila, together with its creator, via the brand's Facebook page

Kofila makeover|The Kofila chocolate is celebrating its centennary with a new look, designed by students of the Tomáš Bata University in Zlín, ČTK reports. The students from the Graphic Design studio of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications proposed almost 80 designs, out of which seven were selected to go into production, spokeswoman Petra Svěráková told ČTK.


Free admission to museums|National Gallery Prague (NGP) celebrates 227 years with free admission to permanent exhibitions on Feb. 4–5. While NGP's modern art venue Veletržní palác in Prague 7 is its most well-known venue, the gallery also oversees three palaces near Prague Castle and several other locations across the city. Read more in our story.

just for fun

Baby pangolin|Prague Zoo welcomed a baby pangolin yesterday, a birth that was a first not only for the zoo but also for all of Europe. “We are extremely happy, but at the same time we are aware that the next few days may be critical,” Prague Zoo director Miroslav Bobek said. The chances of the cub's survival should be quite high since the mother, named Run Hou Tang, has already successfully raised a cub, he added. Read more in our story.

Holidays on the slope|Many mountainous areas in Czechia are currently covered in snow, making them the ideal destination for the half-term school holidays, Seznam Zprávy reports. The week-long spring break starts Monday for children in several Czech regions, and for the city districts of Prague 6 to Prague 10. Several mountain resorts, for instance in the Beskid Mountains, report the best conditions for skiing since mid-December.

vox pop

Have your say|The Czech Republic will get a new president on March 9. Petr Pavel comfortably won the second round of the country’s presidential elections last week, claiming almost 60 percent of the popular vote. What would you change if you were president? Share your thoughts with us!


Ice and strong wind|Strong winds will continue to blow over the Czech Republic until Saturday morning, according to ČTK, citing the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ). The ČHMÚ urges caution due to the strong wind, which will intensify today from the west and reach speeds of around 70 kilometers per hour. A warning for ice is in place until Saturday at 11 a.m. for several Czech regions, including Prague.

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