Ukraine update: Czech foreign minister meets Ukraine's president Zelensky

A daily dispatch on how the war in Ukraine is impacting life in the Czech Republic. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 18.07.2022 11:45:00 (updated on 24.07.2022) Reading time: 6 minutes

July 24, 2022


  • The Plzeň Region has received 27 pallets of humanitarian aid from Germany to be sent to Ukraine. The aid will be sent to the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in Ukraine, which Plzeň has been cooperating with since April.

  • The aid consists of healthcare material, drugs, electronics, fridges, wash machines, clothes and long-lasting food items worth about 600,000 crowns, which has been donated by four German firms (Schierer, Zitzmann, Kappenberger und Braun, and Wolf) from the Bavarian town of Chram.

  • Plzeň-based company GO! Express & Logistic will handle the shipment of aid from the Czech Republic to Ukraine.

July 23, 2022


  • The Czech Republic has now granted temporary protection visas to more than 399,000 Ukrainian refugees since the war in Ukraine started in February, with an additional 864 visas issued on Friday, reports the Interior Ministry.

  • The exact number of refugees currently in the country is not known, as some have left for other countries or returned to Ukraine. In June, estimates pegged the number of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic at 280,000-300,000.

  • The temporary protection visas granted by the Czech Republic entitle refugees to stay in the country for up to one year, with access to public healthcare, education, and the local labor market.

July 22, 2022


  • Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský met Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky during his visit to Kyiv.

  • The delegation discussed further assistance to Ukraine. "When Ukraine wins this war over Russia, we need to be ready to help Ukraine with the reconstruction of the country," Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said.


  • The aid worth over CZK 670 million has been sent to Ukraine since the start of Russia's invasion by the Czech humanitarian organization People in Need, it said in a press release today.

  • Its team in Ukraine has so far helped over 317,000 people. Another 55,000 Ukrainians have been helped by the People in Need along with partner organizations in the Czech Republic.

  • The team of People in Need with 190 employees works in 23 out of the 24 provinces of Ukraine.


  • About 30,000 children have been enrolled in adaptation and language courses for Ukrainian refugees since the start of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, the Education Ministry has said on its webpage.

  • At present, the activities are being conducted by over 400 organizers, sponsored by about CZK 300 million.

  • So far, 397,733 temporary protection visas have been granted to Ukrainian refugees.

July 21, 2022


  • The Czech Financial Analytical Office (FAÚ) has frozen Russian property worth almost CZK 10 billion since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, FAÚ head Jiří Hylmar said in an interview with the server Seznam Zprávy.
  • Along with money in bank accounts, the freeze also applies to the real estate of the people on the EU sanction list and their shares in companies.
  • The FAÚ has not yet faced any lawsuit in connection with the freezing of the Russians' property. However, administrative proceedings are still underway in some freezing cases, and it is hard to say when they will end, Hylmar said.


  • The Czech State Material Reserves Administration (SSHR) will send another two temporary bridges to Ukraine, each 36 meters long, as part of the country's aid to Ukraine, which has amounted to approximately CZK 240 million.

  • The SSHR already sent two temporary bridges to Ukraine in late May.

  • In Czechia, these bridges are used for civilian transport after natural disasters like floods. In Ukraine, the bridges will help revive transport in the places affected by the fighting.


  • The number of visas issued to Ukrainians continues to recede. Czechia issued 1,003 temporary protection visas to Ukrainians fleeing from the war on Wednesday, about 170 fewer than a week ago.

  • The total number of special visas granted since the war started in February has reached 397,733.

July 20, 2022


  • Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, accompanied by his Austrian counterpart Alexander Schallenberg, arrived in Kyiv today to have talks with the Ukrainian government representatives.

  • Through their visit, the two Central European diplomacy heads want to express support for Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression.

  • "Russia is trying to destroy the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine," Lipavský told reporters while traveling by train to Kyiv. 


  • A short video appeared on Twitter showing a Czech Falcon OP99.50 BMG rifle in the hands of a Ukrainian fighter.

  • These modern medium-caliber sniper weapons were donated by the Czech Republic to Ukraine at the beginning of the Russian invasion.

July 19, 2022

politics Outgoing Ambassador Perebyinis could head to Zelensky's office

  • The outgoing Ukrainian ambassador in Prague, Yevhen Perebyinis, could move to the office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after leaving the Czech Republic, news server Seznam Zprávy reports.

  • The Ukrainian president dismissed Perebyinis from his post the week before last, together with the ambassadors from Germany, Hungary, Norway, and India. He described the rotation of ambassadors as a normal part of diplomatic practice.

refugees Thousands of Ukrainians lose automatic right to health insurance

  • Thousands of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic will lose the automatic right to state health insurance in the weeks to come and will have to contact their health insurance company.

  • These people will have to prove their right to health insurance covered by the state again or someone else will have to pay it. This will apply to some 215,000 refugees from Ukraine insured with the VZP, according to VZP board chairman Tom Philipp.

  • Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, some 350,000 Ukrainian refugees who fled to the Czech Republic have registered with the VZP. Some 215,000 of them are adults aged from 18 to 65 who will have to turn to the health insurance company again. VZP expects part of them to return to Ukraine.

  • Some 43,000 refugees insured with the VZP have already found jobs in the Czech Republic and consequently, their employers pay health insurance for them or they pay it themselves if they work as self-employed.

  • VZP has prepared an online form to be filled in on the website for those who are obliged to contact their insurer.

integration A fifth of Ukrainians not attending Czech secondary schools in June

  • One-fifth of Ukrainian secondary school students who came to the Czech Republic with their parents after the Russian invasion started in February did not either attend Czech schools in person or join online instruction from Ukraine in June, a survey has shown.

  • Three percent of Ukrainian children did not attend elementary schools and 69 percent of preschool children did not attend kindergartens.

  • The respondents stated that enrolling their children in Czech schools was not possible due to the refusal of Czech schools and kindergartens to admit them, small capacities, and lack of information.

July 18, 2022

aid Czech railway carrier involved in exodus of raw materials from Ukraine

  • State-owned ČD Cargo sends out 13 trains a week, most often transporting grain or iron ore, economic daily E15 reported.

  • Since the beginning of the war, ČD Cargo has transported over 2.5 million tons of goods from Ukraine.

  • In a year-on-year comparison, this is half a million tons more.

  • Ukraine has 20 million tons of grain that need to be traded. The Russians, on the other hand, have blocked ports, destroyed railways and roads, and stolen agricultural products in the occupied territories. According to Ukrainian sources, more than half a million tons of grain have already disappeared. 

  • The Czech government wants to play an important role in the mass transportation of local products, directing them to western ports. 

refugees The number of visas issued to Ukrainians recedes in Czechia

  • Only 20 refugees from Ukraine were granted temporary protection visas in the Czech Republic on Sunday.

  • On previous weekends, the number of issued visas was higher. At the end of June, there were almost 200 of them on both Saturday and Sunday.

  • Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, visas have been given to 394,846 displaced people from Ukraine.

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