White House invites Americans abroad to weigh in on issues that matter

A news initiative asks US citizens living abroad to take a survey designed to gather input on key issues.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 09.08.2024 10:00:00 (updated on 09.08.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

The White House is reaching out to Americans living abroad, including those in the Czech Republic, as part of an effort to “build out as robust a universe to engage as possible” through a survey about their lives outside the U.S.

In an email from The White House Office of Public Engagement (OPE), Deputy Assistant to the President & Principal Deputy Director Jamie Citron said the White House “would love to learn what matters most” to Americans living abroad.

Citron said the OPE “looks forward to engaging Americans abroad through regular newsletters and quarterly Zoom briefings with officials from across the Administration, touching on the topics noted as of greatest importance to this community via the survey.”

You can take the survey here.

Increased restrictions on financial matters

One key concern for many American expats is the growing restrictions they face in financial matters. Many U.S. banks and investment firms refuse to accept American clients once they have left the country due to the increased compliance burdens they face.

This issue has also impacted Americans living permanently in Czechia (and elsewhere), those who are only American by birth, and those who have been involved in a campaign against citizenship-based taxation (FATCA). Under this system, they must file taxes in the U.S. even if they no longer reside there.

Opportunity for Americans abroad to voice concerns

Brandon Mitchener, the head of Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad, praised the initiative, saying his organization “welcomes this opportunity to identify and listen to the concerns of Americans abroad.”

Europe-wide news server The Local has reported that Americans in social media groups have questioned whether the survey is legitimate as it was not widely publicized; the publication reached out to the White House for confirmation and received confirmation that the appeal is genuine.

Any American living abroad can take the survey, which presents a unique opportunity to make your voice heard on a range of topics that are important to Americans living outside of the U.S., whether related to voting, taxation, or any other subject you deem important.

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