1364 properties
Donská, Praha 10 - Vršovice
14 990 CZK / month, excluding agency fees, with legal services
Irská, Praha 6 - Vokovice
50 000 CZK / month, excluding agency fees
Praha 7 - Holešovice
55 180 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees
Praha 3 - Žižkov
30 220 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees
Pařížská, Praha 1 - Josefov
70 000 CZK / month
Praha 7 - Holešovice
36 200 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees
Praha 10 - Vršovice
25 800 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees
Hradecká, Praha 3 - Vinohrady
16 000 CZK / month
Pařížská, Praha 1 - Josefov
80 000 CZK / month
Praha 3 - Žižkov
31 200 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees
Rousínov - Rousínovec
18 000 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees, with legal services
Praha 4 - Chodov
29 530 CZK / month, excluding utility fees, excluding agency fees
Štěpánská, Praha 1 - Nové Město
30 089 CZK / month, with agency fees
Ovenecká, Praha 7 - Bubeneč
37 000 CZK / month
Vlašská, Praha 1 - Malá Strana
75 000 CZK / month, excluding utility fees