466 properties
U školky, Řitka
17 990 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
Průhonská, Praha 6 - Nebušice
24 500 000 CZK, with agency fees
Číměř - Potočná
15 970 000 CZK, with agency fees
Sukova, Votice
5 490 000 CZK, with agency fees
Nalžovské Hory - Nalžovy
Na Václavce, Praha 5 - Smíchov
48 500 000 CZK
3 999 000 CZK, with agency fees
Na Kocandě, Veleň
12 900 000 CZK, with agency fees
6 990 000 CZK, with agency fees
Zahradní, Rakvice
12 953 750 CZK, with agency fees
Wolkerova, Krnov - Pod Bezručovým vrchem
3 000 000 CZK, with agency fees
4 499 000 CZK, with agency fees
U Špejcharu, Odolena Voda
5 490 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
9. května, Dobrovice
6 300 000 CZK, with agency fees
Velké Popovice - Brtnice
15 798 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services