28 properties
U bažantnice, Praha 5 - Velká Chuchle
Price for negotiation
11 500 000 CZK, with agency fees
Lipovická, Praha 4 - Písnice
19 900 000 CZK, excluding agency fees
Libeř - Libeň
22 900 000 CZK, with agency fees
Nad Šlemínem, Hradištko
19 500 000 CZK
Jesenice - Zdiměřice
19 990 000 CZK, excluding agency fees
Pekárkova, Praha 4 - Modřany
17 500 000 CZK, with agency fees
Hutnická, Praha 4 - Kunratice
16 990 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
Praha 4 - Písnice
18 900 000 CZK, with agency fees
Mezi Křižovatkami, Dolní Břežany
10 490 000 CZK, with agency fees
U koupadel, Praha 4 - Lhotka
25 500 000 CZK, with agency fees
Ke mlýnu, Netvořice
Price for negotiation
U školky, Řitka
17 990 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
Velké Popovice - Brtnice
15 798 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
19 900 000 CZK, with agency fees