466 properties
Přímá, Praha 5 - Smíchov
27 500 000 CZK, with agency fees
Price for negotiation
Price for negotiation
Protivín - Maletice
Price for negotiation
Protivín - Maletice
Price for negotiation
Akátová, Klatovy - Klatovy IV
5 500 000 CZK, with agency fees
5 200 000 CZK, with agency fees
Pod novou školou, Praha 6 - Nebušice
38 000 000 CZK
Jestřebí - Újezd
2 600 000 CZK, with agency fees
Bystřice - Semovice
15 990 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
7 499 000 CZK, with agency fees
Na Návsi, Čestlice
Price for negotiation
Valeč - Velký Hlavákov
1 720 000 CZK, with agency fees
Rolnická, Opava - Kateřinky
5 499 990 CZK, with agency fees
Sobotín - Rudoltice
Price for negotiation