I have extensive experience tutoring from high school level to university level in Physics and Math. I focus on getting students ready for exams using practice questions as a diagnostic for areas which need work. My lessons can be in person (Vinohrady) or online and are typically 1 hour long.
I have been tutoring part time for the past 5 years while attending university. My teaching experience is primarily in Math and Physics, however I also offer more open ended lessons to those who are interested and want to further their understanding. I enjoy teaching and helping others develop an understanding of a subject. I have seen that students can often achieve a lot more than they think when given directed help. In my free time I enjoy making digital art, video editing, and playing video games.
My technical interests are: Data analysis, Mathematical modelling, Theoretical physics, Biophysics, Computational fluid dynamics, Computational molecular dynamics, Neural networks, Game design.
- What I teach Math, Physics
- Instructions inEnglish
- Native languageEnglish
- NationalityEnglish
- Online teachingyes
Hobbies: Digital art, video editing, video games, music editing.