Better at home a slice of bread than a whole cow abroad. / Lepší doma krajíc chleba než v cizině kráva celá.
Eng: Home, sweet home.
If you have butter on your head, do not go out in the sun. / Když máš máslo na hlavě, nelez na slunce.
Eng: Fly under the radar and out of the spotlight.
Cooking & Eating
Hunger is the best chef. / Hlad je nejlepší kuchař.
Eng: Beggars can’t be choosers.
What you cook at home eat at home / Co se doma uvaří, má se doma sníst.
Eng: What happens at home stays at home – don’t air the dirty laundry.
Love goes through the stomach / Láska prochází žaludkem.
Eng: The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.