Children under 7 need not wear face masks in Czech kindergartens from May 1

Children aged from two to seven will not have to wear face masks in Czech kindergartens as of May 1


Written by ČTK Published on 30.04.2020 18:02:33 (updated on 30.04.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, April 30 (CTK) – Children aged two to seven will not have to wear face masks in Czech kindergartens as of May 1, same as artists during performances and moderators of radio and TV programs without guests recorded in studios who tested negative for coronavirus, according to an extraordinary measure of the Health Ministry that the government approved today.

The PCR test for COVID-19 can be maximally four days old. The distance between performers, other staff and the audience must be at least two meters. The venue must be regularly disinfected. If it is an indoor area, it must also be aired.

If any of the performers or their colleagues show any symptoms of COVID-19, for example if they are running a temperature, they are not allowed to participate in the performance.

People whose current mental condition does not allow them to understand that they must wear face masks do not have to have them.

If the performance lasts a longer time, the performers will have to be tested at least once every two weeks.

An exemption from the duty to wear face masks in public areas was previously given to drivers of public transport vehicles in closed cabins, members of one household driving in a single car, children under the age of two and autistic persons.

It has been banned to reside in public areas in the Czech Republic without a face mask or some other cover of the nose and mouth since March 19.

Health Minister Adam Vojtech (for ANO) and Deputy Health Minister Roman Prymula expect the duties to wear face masks, keep a distance from other people and use disinfection will be valid at least until the end of June.

Vojtech said today that the obligatory wearing of face masks is one of the crucial preconditions of preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus.

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