Roughly three-fifths of Czechs are afraid of something, most often of Covid-19, according to a poll conducted by the CVVM polling institute in June and released Thursday. Czechs also fear bad health, wars, and worsening living standards. By contrast, roughly 90 percent still feel safe at home and in the Czech Republic. The poll was conducted on a sample of 1,000 Czechs aged over 15. Compared with the previous poll carried out in November 2019, the number of those having some fears has increased by 4 percentage points to 58 percent. Thirty-one percent, are afraid of the coronavirus; this is obviously connected with fears of bad health, felt by 18 percent. It is followed by fear of wars and worsened living standards, with 11 percent for each. The pollsters compared to the previous poll, the fear of migrants has considerably decreased, from 22 percent to 9 percent. ČTK