Prague's Honest Guide spots taxi scam live, saves tourists with police help

Two tourists were nearly scammed by a taxi driver in Prague's city center, but local YouTubers and police helped them get their money back. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 15.03.2025 10:18:00 (updated on 15.03.2025) Reading time: 2 minutes

Three tourists arriving in Prague this week almost became victims of a taxi scam after their ride from Václav Havel Airport to the city center was overcharged. A chance encounter, however, saved them from becoming another victim of an all-too-common local scam.

Originally quoted CZK 500, the taxi driver demanded CZK 1,500 upon arrival. But by sheer coincidence, creators of the YouTube channel Honest Guide (and its Czech version Kluci z Prahy) were nearby and intervened, alerting the city police.

The women, unfamiliar with Prague and fresh off their flight, paid the demanded amount but were suspicious of the overcharge. It wasn't until Honest Guide creators Janek Rubeš and Jan Mikulka noticed the situation and alerted police that the tourists’ money was returned.

Honest Guide exposes a scam live

Rubeš and Mikulka, who are known for their work exposing tourist scams in Prague, immediately contacted local authorities. Their ongoing project Honest Guide aims to guide tourists through the city's attractions while warning them about common scams and tourist traps.

In this case, after a call to the emergency line, police arrived and confronted the driver. The 34-year-old taxi driver admitted to the overcharge and refunded the women in full. The driver now faces an investigation for his actions.

"Once again, we managed to return money for an overcharged taxi ride," Prague police shared on Instagram along with a video of the incident.

"The tourists, who had just arrived to admire the beauties of Prague, were very lucky when Kluci z Prahy happened to be nearby when they exited their taxi. They reported suspicion of overcharging to the emergency line 156."

"The 34-year-old driver did not deny anything to the police, and the tourists were finally refunded the full amount. The driver’s misconduct will now be addressed by the administrative authority."

Rubeš and Mikulka have run Honest Guide, a YouTube series providing tips for tourists on avoiding scams, since 2016. Their videos highlight common tourist traps and overcharging schemes, helping travelers stay safe. A trusted resource for tourists, their channel currently has over 1.7 million subscribers.

Check out the Honest Guide channel on YouTube for more common Prague scams, and keep an eye out for a future video breaking down this latest encounter.

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