The Czech documentary Trabantem až na konec světa is one of many new Czech films now streaming on Netflix
The Czech version of Netflix is about to get a huge boost, with thousands of new Czech-language subtitle and dubbing tracks and hundreds of new Czech films set to join the streaming service, according to the The Prague Reporter.
As of yesterday, the streaming giant has added Czech-language subtitles and/or dubbing options to roughly 20% of it’s currently-streaming service, a significant uptick over what local users have experienced to date.
Additionally, seven new Czech and Slovak features appeared on Netflix yesterday. Those titles include the 2016 true crime drama I, Olga Hepnarová, the 2014 documentary Trabantem až na konec světa (Trabant vs. South America), and the 2017 Slovak drama The Line. Each feature also has options for English subtitles.
Many more Czech films are expected to hit Netflix soon.
“According to the online streaming giant, an estimated 150 new Czech films will be coming to Netflix in the coming weeks, perhaps as soon as next week,” writes The Prague Reporter.
“The addition of English subtitles to all current Czech features on Netflix is a great sign for future content.”
Netflix is preparing for increased competition on the Czech market, with Apple TV+ set to launch in November. Disney’s new streaming service will launch in the US from next month, and could hit international markets including the Czech Republic soon thereafter.