Despite some media reports, drug possession is still illegal in the Czech Republic. A government directive from January 1, 2010 set out the possession limits for a misdemeanor offense and a criminal offense. Up until the end of last year, the law stated that possession of a small amount was a misdemeanor, whereas amounts “larger than a small amount” were criminal offenses. The amounts were based on internal police directives and apparently there could be variations between regions. These new directives have merely brought consistency to an already existing law. What are those all important amounts? As reported in other sources, it is a misdemeanor to possess the following drugs up to the following quantities; or rather, to clarify, if you have less than the amount listed, it’s still illegal, just not a criminal offense: marijuana (15 g), heroin (1.5 g), cocaine (1 g), methamphetamine (2 g), amphetamine (2 g), ecstasy (4 tablets), hashish (5 g), hallucinogenic mushrooms (40 pieces), and LSD (5 tabs).