Free homework project helps school kids in the Czech Republic study in English

A local afterschool club is helping kids in Czech schools keep English-language skills sharp during homeschooling

Katrina Modrá

Written by Katrina Modrá Published on 07.05.2020 10:05:19 (updated on 07.05.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

As quarantine restrictions are lifting and children and parents are anxiously waiting to learn how their school will handle re-opening, homework remains one of the largest lock-down frustrations among parents, according to a new report that says Czech families are spending 3.4 hours on homework daily.

While there have been plenty of tips for online activities and advice from local teachers on distance learning in the Czech Republic, one Prague-based afterschool program has launched a “free homework” initiative in an effort to offer ongoing support to children and their parents with activities in English that can be completed at home. 

“The decision to do this was based on the fact that we have children of our own at home,” said Two Hour School founder Jon Ogden.

“We also have some enrolled kids who didn’t want to do the video conference lessons so we decided to provide something for them anyway,” he says adding that the school is still providing video conferencing lessons to the majority of our enrolled students.

Teachers are available for consultations if necessary and give each student feedback on the completed homework.  The “Homework by Two Hour School” program is free of charge and open to everyone while the current restrictions are in place. 

Recent assignments have required children to produce a newspaper report, others have included a design-and-build project, science experiments, and an animated story. The curriculum includes researching and producing a variety of writing genres including fiction and nonfiction writing.

Ogden, himself a parent, says the project is “Intended as a support for those parents who feel their kids don’t have enough English-language activities to do.” The projects are created by the school’s teachers who are available for consultations if necessary and give each student feedback on the completed homework.

Two Hour School, an educational program for English-speaking children aged 6-12 attending Czech schools opened last year. Courses take place in two locations in Prague Londýnská 34 in Prague 2 and Žukovského 6, Prague 6.

Currently, the ninth-grade students are scheduled to go back May 11; younger students are due to return May 25 while kindergartens are opening at the discretion of individual districts.

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