From Africa to Buková

Pearl Harris' travel-memoir is now available Staff

Written by Staff Published on 12.01.2009 11:55:23 (updated on 12.01.2009) Reading time: 2 minutes

Essential reading for every expat in the Czech Republic!

“From Africa to Buková” – a newly published travel-memoir by South African expat.

Born within sight of the red sand dunes of the Kalahari, PEARL HARRIS lived most of her life in South Africa, until emigrating with her husband, Ian, to the Czech Republic (with their Labrador and cat). “Czechoslovakia? Isn´t that Communist?”  “You´ll freeze to death there!”  were some of the comments they had to grin and bear before leaving South Africa forever in 2002.

At an age when most are enjoying the company of grandchildren or relaxing by the fireside, departing from the comfort zone of family and friends to a new home and career in the Czech Republic with its language, culture and climate far removed from their own, proved an enlightening and hilarious experience.

Pearl´s account of those first difficult years as an immigrant in the small South Bohemian village of Buková will have you laughing out loud.  Incidents included in this light-hearted travel-memoir include:

Settlers in Strange Lands
Pet Travellers
Buková Braai
Ian’s Sledge Ride
Driving Hazards
Cycling in South Bohemia
Moravian Wine Cellar
First Czech Christmas

For over 20 years, Pearl´s travel articles have been published in South African magazines and, in recent years, in Czech magazines, “Lifestyles” and “Bridge”, as well as on the websites,  and  .

The writer says: “People always ask us: “Why did you choose the Czech Republic?” and “Why did you leave South Africa?” –  so I decided to answer these questions. I hope my book entertains a few people, as well as informing them about life in the Czech Republic. I sincerely hope that my book also makes it clear how very kind most Czechs have been to Ian and me and how much we love living here, despite our initial hardships!  We feel only admiration for this country and its wonderful people.”
“From Africa to Bukova” is on sale now at:   –   BOOKS: “From Africa to Bukova”   – and also at:


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