Gordon´s decision to tell the story through four different points of view was jarring. Each person had its own speaking style, and Tommy´s was in the “you” form as in “You entered the barn. You saw the horse.” Also, I don´t think having four narrators really added any perspective to the story, or moved it forward in a meaningful way. Most of what you learn about Tommy is told through the other characters as he´s usually away “seeing a man about a horse.” I think he´s supposed to be a central character, but ends up on the periphery of the story. Gordon does have a masterful use of language, and she is obviously intimately familiar with the horse racing world (she worked as a trainer after college.) The development of her characters though and the relationships between them for me was lacking. There also seemed to be too many marginal characters, who Gordon wanted to have a big important part but there wasn´t enough room for them. Gordon does make the horses come alive however, her imagery skills are evident and it is these “characters” that were for me the most enjoyable.