June was the fourth warmest in Czechia since records began

The month was also above normal in precipitation, with some stations seeing extreme amounts in a short time.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 12.07.2022 18:21:00 (updated on 12.07.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

This June was one of the warmest in Czechia in the last six decades. At the same time, it was rich in precipitation, but there were large regional differences, with more rain in Bohemia while Moravia was slightly below average.

The average monthly air temperature reached 18.7 degrees Celsius last month, 2.2 degrees above the normal from 1991 to 2020, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMÚ) said on their website. This is the fourth warmest June since 1961, which is as far back as the average temperature statistics extend.

"We assess June 2022 in the Czech Republic as strongly above normal in terms of temperature and above normal in terms of precipitation. The average length of sunshine this month was 206 hours, which is 122 percent of the normal for 1991 2020," CHMÚ stated.

Czechs experienced the warmest June so far since 1961 in 2019, when the average temperature was 20.7 degrees. Conversely, meteorologists recorded the lowest average temperature for June in 1985, which was only 13 degrees.

According to measurements made at Prague's Klementinum, where they have been monitoring the weather for almost two and a half centuries, June this year was exceptionally warm. In the historical tables kept since 1775, it ranks fifth. The average monthly temperature reached 22.3 degrees Celsius at the country’s oldest weather station.

In the territory of Bohemia, the average June air temperature reached 18.6 degrees, in Moravia and Silesia it was 0.3 degrees higher. The highest daily maximum temperature of 39 degrees was measured on June 19 in Řež, Central Bohemia. This also marked a record June temperature since the start of measurements.

The lowest daily minimum, minus 3.6 degrees, was recorded on June 3 at Kořenov station in the Jizera Mountains.

Rainfall in June was more than usual compared to recent decades. The average monthly total of 101 millimeters was 23 percent above normal for 1991 to 2020. The most precipitation fell in South Bohemia, which was 87 percent above normal. Central Bohemia and Prague were 68 percent above normal. June was the least rainy in the Karlovy Vary region, at 48 percent below normal.

In Bohemia, 112 millimeters of rain fell in June, which was 37 percent above the long-term average, while Moravia and Silesia finished 5 percent below average with 79 millimeters. According to meteorologists, the difference was mainly caused by heavy torrential rainfall at the end of the month, which occurred mainly in Bohemia.

On June 20, almost 17 millimeters of rain fell in Prague's Komořany station in five minutes. It also rained extremely in some regions on June 24, when more than 50 millimeters of precipitation fell in one day at 30 stations of ČHMÚ standard network.

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