Masks are back in the Czech Republic: Here's where you'll need them from tomorrow

In Prague and throughout the rest of the country, wearing a mask indoors will be required, with a number of exceptions Staff

Written by Staff Published on 09.09.2020 17:45:34 (updated on 09.09.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

In response to the deteriorating epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Health announced earlier today that from Thursday, September 10, it will be necessary to wear a face mask in all indoor areas of buildings and in the common areas of schools, as well as on public transport, in taxis, and at the airport as previously mandated.

“Masks are a basic preventive measure that are very effective,” Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch told the press from a videoconference, adding: “I also call on all citizens to take maximum responsibility and adhere to basic hygiene rules.” The health minister repeatedly emphasized the need to be vigilant about hand-washing, mask-wearing and social distancing.

While the ministry hopes the quick reintroduction of masks will help slow the recent spike in cases, there are a number of exceptions to the rules which the ministry listed in a press release late Wednesday afternoon.

As indicated by the ministry’s list of exceptions, masks will not be compulsory in schools in the classroom, only in common areas.

Other exceptions to the mask-wearing rule include children under two years of age, children and staff in kindergartens and children’s groups, students in schools providing one-year foreign language courses, as well as dormitories and youth homes, which house staff or children, pupils, or students.

With regards to masks in the workplace, the ministry states they must be worn with the exception of those employees who perform work in one place, if that work is done at a distance of at least 2 meters from another person.

Also on the list of exceptions to the mask-wearing mandate are patrons of catering establishments, presumably bars, cafes, and restaurants, while they are consuming food and drinks.

Those on the autism spectrum disorder, or those with a cognitive impairment do not need to wear a mask.

Masks do not need to be worn by athletes or trainers or by those on the premises of indoor swimming pools, spas, and saunas; parties involved in a legal wedding or partnership ceremony will not have to wear masks during the exchange of vows, nor will TV moderators, actors, or performers, lecturers or those involved in film production.


Public transport operators who are not in contact with passengers do not need to wear a mask.

A number of measures to slow the spread of the disease in the country have already been put in place.

From the first of September, the obligation to wear veils in public transport, trains, buses and taxis applies in the Czech Republic, as well as offices like the post office that serve the public.

On September 4, the ministry announced that from September 9, Prague’s bars and restaurants would need to close between midnight and 6 am. While it was initially announced that from September 14 anyone entering school premises (students and parents) would need to wear face masks in common areas — that rule will no go into effect from September 10.

The complete list of twenty-five total exceptions to the ministry’s face-mask wearing measures can be seen on the ministry site here.

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