New Czech Toilets Fight Prostate Cancer

These mobile toilets at music and sporting events measure the speed and flow of urine to determine the risk of cancer

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 25.07.2016 14:20:19 (updated on 25.07.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

About two-thirds of Czech men fear cancer, according to a report by global healthcare leader Sanofi, writes Dení

And yet, only a quarter of them undergo preventative tests.

A new set of mobile toilets that will be made available at music and sporting events hopes to change this number.

The new toilets, called “Ukaž jak jsi vyčůraný” (a double meaning that can be taken as ‘Show How You Pee’ or ‘Show How You’re Tricky’) might seem like a game to some urinators as they rack up points while they’re taking a leak.

But the points are awarded based on the speed and flow of urine, one of the methods used to determine the risk of prostate cancer. The lower the score, the higher the risk.

The new toilets are a project from STK pro chlapy and Czech badminton champion Petr Koukal. Koukal will be in Rio to compete in the 2016 Olympics next month, but vows to dedicate his time to raising cancer awareness afterwards. 

Koukal was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 24.

“The moment Czech men begin to take care of their health the same way they take care of their cars, we will have won,” Koukal told Deník.

“I also thought that I could not get sick. However, at 24, I was suddenly diagnosed with testicular cancer, it was a shock. I had to go for surgery the following day. My life changed completely.”

Want to take the test? Look for red Toi Toi WCs labelled “Ukaž jak jsi vyčůraný” at outdoor festivals or sporting event across the country.

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