Normalcy Has Been Restored

Laura Hughes on this Fringe lowlight Staff

Written by Staff Published on 31.05.2010 09:36:19 (updated on 31.05.2010) Reading time: 1 minute

An absolute lowlight of this year´s Fringe, the only New York company of the festival has failed to produce anything more than a dismal blathering of poorly crafted characters without a story.

The setting is a completely unconvincing therapy session for those who have suffered from trauma on public transport. A cast of illogically slapped together characters meeting for the first time each retell their trauma, leaving us with nothing more than hearing about a series of uncomfortably close physical encounters and muggings.

However, the play does exude a hidden charm in a handful of unexpected moments of awkward hilarity, which make the struggle worthwhile. No direction, little effort, the actors merely learned and recited their lines; ‘Your vagina is never an accident.´ Priceless enough to steal the show for at least a moment.

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