In photos: Scenes from daily life in Prague under quarantine

A photojournalist has shared some shots of Prague during the current government restriction on movement

Katrina Modrá

Written by Katrina Modrá Published on 27.03.2020 14:58:33 (updated on 27.03.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Sami Siva is a Canadian-Indian photographer whose work has appeared in The New York Times, TIME, The Guardian, CNN, Al Jazeera, and The Globe and Mail.

He has shot post-conflict and social-issue stories in Canada, India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the U.S.

Siva has been based in Prague since 2016 where he continues to work as a photographer covering Central and Eastern Europe.

He tells us of these photos, “To me, it’s a unique experience to photograph the city under lock down. An eerie experience yet so much beauty that we normally don’t stop and see.”

Editor’s note: Going out to take photos now violates the restrictions put in place in the Czech Republic to lessen the spread of the coronavirus; we ask that our readers continue to stay home and respect the rules of the quarantine.

Photo by Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo via Sami Siva

Photo by Sami Siva

Photo by Sami Siva

Follow Sami Siva on Instagram @samisiva or

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