TEDx Prague: Ideas Worth Spreading

Tickets are still available; win one through our competition below!

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 14.05.2013 11:28:45 (updated on 14.05.2013) Reading time: 1 minute

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On May 25th, more than 900 people will cross the barriers and attend the popular and inspiring TEDx Prague conference. The topics of discussion will be our mental and physical limits, inner barriers, as well as apparently insurmountable barriers around us. Sixteen presenters from the Czech Republic and abroad will form the 4th annual conference with a rich accompanying program.

On the last Saturday of May, Prague’s Folimanka venue will host eleven Czech and five foreign presenters. The conference will host the famous neuroscientist Dan Siegel, who is looking for ways of achieving harmony in life through research of the human brain; and Nick Goldman, who recently discovered a method with which one gram of synthetic DNA can contain data which would equal half a million DVDs. Czechs will be represented by an artist who goes out of the box in terms of space and imagination, the creator of kinetic statues Kryštof Kintera. It will also be represented by the poet, journalist, producer and writer Michal Horáček, who has discovered his path through anthropology, or the sister of the famous Czech writer, who has survived the Shoah (Holocaust), Hana Hnátová Lustigová.

The presentations will be translated simultaneously into English and the entire list of topics is available here: www.tedxprague.cz/en/

TEDx Prague: Ideas Worth Spreading

What is TEDxPrague?

TEDxPrague is a locally organized gathering with a license, which began its existence here some 4 years ago in the spirit of the California TED conference. It concentrates on “Ideas worth spreading” and is organized by a team of volunteers based on rules that are adhered to by thousands of TEDx conferences around the world.

Tickets are still available for sale at www.tedxprague.cz/en/registrace2013

Expats.cz, in cooperation with TEDx Prague, have prepared a competition for a ticket for 2 winners. Check this link and you might get lucky: www.expats.cz/competitions/win-tickets-to-tedx-prague/

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