Expats.cz User Favorites Survey

Share your picks with us and win a 5000 CZK dinner!

Expats.cz Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by Expats.cz StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 05.03.2009 09:14:24 (updated on 05.03.2009) Reading time: 1 minute

Help us to rate Prague’s favorites!

Share your favorite places in Prague with us – where do you go when you are craving Mexican food, when out of town guests are in town or when someone else is paying the bill?

Next Click to take the Favorites Survey!
No personal data required


You’ll also be entered in a prize draw for a grand prize of a
5000 CZK dinner for two at any Zatisi restaurant in Prague!

Watch Expats.cz for the results, which will take a look at the Prague restaurants and other venues that our users have most often chosen as a favorite.

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