Outside of the standard treatments, a number of home remedies or lifestyle choices can be implemented to potentially help remedy the symptoms. These include incorporating brighter ‘day light’ light bulbs into your home, along with color and even candles. Exercise is wholeheartedly recommended, including outdoor activities. “Generally exercise has been very well proven to help with most forms of depression so if you reduce your levels of exercise during the short cold dark winter months this is a mistake, “says Dr. McNulty. “If anything you should get out more on walks and bike rides and grab as much of the available natural sunlight as possible at the same time.” Taking vacations to brighter locations during the fall and winter season is also recommended as is understanding yourself and making the necessary adjustments and preparations to prepare: “Preparing to adapt to [SAD] and coping with it, rather than feeling bad about yourself because of it, is probably the most practical approach, “says Dr. McNulty. “And remembering that it will get better in the spring, which can be hard to do in the middle of winter.”