Peak mushroom season is here: Where can you find the most fungi in Czechia?
An official map shows the woodlands and forests nationwide with the highest probability of mushroom growth, based on rainfall and soil saturation.
Discover prime mushroom-picking spots across Czechia with a new map
The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute's map highlights the probability of mushroom growth based on aspects such as rain, saturation, and history.
In the Czech forest: 10 useful tips for mushroom pickers
We spoke to mushroom connoisseurs about the must-knows for the mushroom-picking season ahead.
Recent rainfall gives Czechia's mushroom bounty a boost – here's where and when to pick
Some mountains and forest are now ideal for mushrooming but you can also find treasures in city parks closer to home.
'What does the red button do?' tops Czech internet searches in 2022
Reflecting Czech interests, other queries were about mushroom picking, Mother's Day, and how to clean a grill.
EXPAT VOICES: Mushroom picking, lots of beer, and slippers at home – you reveal your new Czech habits
We asked you which Czech habits you have adopted since moving here, and got a variety of answers!
TELL US: Which Czech habits have you adopted since moving here?
Carp fishing, mushroom picking, and pomlázka: are there any Czech habits that you have picked up while living in the country?
The Daily Dozen: 12 things to know about Czechia today
News, tips, and Expats.cz top stories for Prague and the Czech Republic on Oct. 14, 2022.
The Daily Dozen: 12 things to know about Czechia today
News, tips, and Expats.cz top stories for Prague and the Czech Republic on Sept. 15, 2022.
Czech mushroom hunting made easy: new map charts peak conditions
The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute has created a new live map that charts prime conditions for mushroom picking across the Czech Republic.