New data shows domestic and sexual violence rising in Czechia
Although a disconcerting trend, this may be a reflection of more victims coming forward and improved police competence in dealing with cases.
First specialized center for victims of sexual violence to open in Prague
The operators of the center have turned to the public for help to cover the final expenses needed for the launch.
Ethnic tensions flare in Brno after murder of 23-year-old Roma
The perpetrator is said to be Ukrainian, and a small protest yesterday in Brno led to a separate attack on two Ukrainians.
New domestic violence law could go into effect in Czechia as early as 2024
The bill creates a stronger legal framework for defining the crime in an effort to more effectively help victims.
English-friendly app shines a light on Czech law for victims of domestic violence
Bright Sky, a resource helping people in abusive relationships, offers an update clarifying legal issues.
Survey finds that 40 percent of Czechs believe rape victims are 'partly responsible'
A study by Amnesty International finds that a considerable proportion of Czechs place blame on rape victims.
Why unrest in Kazakhstan strikes a nerve in the Czech Republic
Czech politicians have come out on the side of protestors in Kazakhstan, comparing the intervention of Russian forces to the Prague Spring.
How does gun ownership in the Czech Republic compare to the rest of the world?
The Czech Republic leads in gun ownership among the Visegrad Four group but lags behind neighboring Germany and Austria.