25 Facebook Pages We Love

From helpful to hilarious these Czech Facebook pages are worth following

Eva Samšuková

Written by Eva Samšuková Published on 18.08.2014 11:26:23 (updated on 18.08.2014) Reading time: 6 minutes

Depending on who you ask, Facebook has improved our lives exponentially, especially the lives of foreigners in Prague who seek information and insight into life in the Czech Republic. I’ve rounded up some of the most practical and funniest pages that I think expats might enjoy (and you don’t need to know a lot of Czech to use them as many are visual or offer a translation option)!


Czech Idioms
This page is very new and thus not very well followed, but I find it very useful for it’s always good to be ironic, sarcastic, or simply pragmatic in a certain language! Follow for your daily dose of on-the-go Czech language instruction.

Časopis dTest (dTest Magazine)
When a producer or a service provider wants to put the consumer on the rack, dTest is here to protect you. They claim to be the only independent testing provider on the Czech and Slovak market. They check, compare, and test everything from ice tea and sun creams to telephone operators and vacuum cleaners, weeding out the marketing gimmicks that cost you money.

Photo by dTest
Photo by dTest

Cestujlevne.com (Travel for Cheap)
Developed by David Eiselt, an air field student at the Czech Technical University, Cestujlevne.com is not a common portal with flight tickets, but a service that finds the cheapest possible fares, often due to errors in the systems of large companies. Follow for last-minute fare alerts and tips for trips.

Potraviny na pranýři (Food at the Stake)
Potraviny na pranýři is a joint effort beteween the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority to inform consumers about “poor-quality, adulterated, and dangerous” food. Follow this page for the most recent cases of “food pillory” and important food-safety recalls. The site has an English-language option.


The most comprehensive art portal in the Czech Republic’s Facebook page will clue you in on just about every large or small exhibition, important or not-so-important gallery showing and opening, with updates on and tips for many art institutions. Bonus: The online and print versions (a map) are in English as well.

Photo by Artmap.cz
Photo by Artmap.cz

Co je v Praze zadarmo (What’s for free in Prague)
Even events that don’t require admission can make your free time exciting! Besides, zadarmo “for free” doesn’t mean only institutional events, but also tours, architecture, community life. You will find invitations here, too, so please visit and like (actually, it’s my page)!

Proti šedi (Against Gray) 
This website began as a movement fighting the uniform gray fashion in the Czech streets (Proti módní šedi v českých ulicích). Their Facebook page reflects what the site has become, an interesting portal covering everything from off-beat cultural events to travel and, of course, fashion. 

We Praguers are very happy and proud that our riverbanks have not been taken over by expensive tourists traps. Instead they are kind of managed by all of us! This FB page informs you about everything happening on the right bank of the Vltava.

25 Facebook Pages We Love


CzechSpecials aneb Ochutnejte ČR (CzechSpecials – Taste the Czech Republic)
If you are craving insight into traditional Czech recipes, events, and dining, follow this page for it’s wealth of info on good places to eat Czech home cooking, current gastro events, and seasonal recipes. The associated web page will lead you to a trove of English-language culinary tips.

Scuk (from the Czech word scuknout – get together) is not only a guide to the best restaurants in Prague (and outside of Prague) this beloved-by-local-foodies page offers up large poritions of delicious food photography, dining and drinking tips, and food events to be savored.

25 Facebook Pages We Love

Česko pije vodovodu (Czech Republic Drinks Tap Water)
You may have already noticed on your very first visit to a Czech restaurant that still water is often more expensive than beer. The team behind this initiative is trying to change the situation not only to fight the meaningless prices, but also the PET bottles lobby. Like them on Facebook for tips on restaurants that support the cause…and don’t!

Photo by Česko pije vodovodu
Photo by Česko pije vodovodu


Módní peklo (Fashion Hell)
Czechs are very famous for wearing socks and sandals. That’s not our only vice! Módní Peklo regularly reports on hundreds of others and their feed is famed for its daily photos of fashion blunders.

25 Facebook Pages We Love

Young Czech designers have a lot to offer and the Czechdesign NGO helps them to get out there with their products. Design related news, events, competitions are all covered here. They also run a gallery (link).

Fashion MAP
Similarly to Czechdesign, Fashionmap.cz has the same mission in the world of Czech fashion. What I find really useful are their regular FB updates on fashion events like bazaars, pop-ups, and fashion nights, and a dispatches from interesting fashion bloggers.

votocvohoz.cz (Swap Your Outfit)
If you have old clothes you don’t want to ever wear again but feel sorry just throwing them away after all these years, join the votocvohoz.cz community on Facebook to swap, sell, or buy secondhand pieces online.


Humans of Prague
Prague has its own Humans, too! Following the very famous NYC’s humans page started by Brandon Stanton, Tomáš Princ from Prague is mapping our streets. It’s up to you to decide which of the characters popping up in your feed are the most fun.

Tomáš Princ @ Humans of Prague
Tomáš Princ @ Humans of Prague

Odposlechnuto v Praze (Heard in Prague)
On long journey across town with no book, no headphones… What else can you do other than listen to conversations and then record them in this Facebook group? A completely unique way to brush up your Czech listening and writing skills.

Lidová reklamní tvořivost (Folk Advertising Creativity)
What is the process of marketing in the Czech republic? “If you have a product, use a naked woman on an advert and it will get sold..” This and much more of our absurd advertising wisdom is showcased by this FB group.

25 Facebook Pages We Love

Cedule, nápisy & vizuální (ne)kultura (Signs, Slogans & Visual (non)Culture)
Much like the previous page, this one also focuses on badly timed or placed adverts around us. Most of the collected material has something to do with the Czech approach to customer service.

Divnolidi v MHD (Freaks on Public Transport)
Every city has its own weirdos and Prague is no different. This Facebook page collects pictures of those traveling with us on metro, tram or bus. You wouldn’t be believe it, but the guy with a horse head spotted a few times around Prague was actually present on my degree day!

25 Facebook Pages We Love

Prší v Praze? (Is It Raining in Prague?)
Don’t you always wonder if it’s pouring rain outside or not? Just check the timeline of this Facebook page and you will be up to date. Very useful, isn’t it?


Schodies (Stairsies)
The aim of the Schodies community is to map all the stairways around Prague that are suitable for running. So far the number reached 194, but if you know of some more, check the map and add your secret stairs tips! PS: Running up stairs is the best way how to strengthen the abdomen.

Photo by Schodies
Photo by Schodies

1000 věcí, co mě serou (1000 Things That Piss Me Off)
This page and Facebook group is an answer to the 1000 Awesome Things launched by Neil Parischa in 2008. But that’s who we Czechs are – we hate. The founders of the Czech project has already published a few books with their peeves and they are getting closer to a final number of #821. You need a slightly higher level of Czech to fully enjoy their statements.

Přiznání (Confessions)
Confessions pages began trending in 2013 worldwide, the Czech Republic included. You can get inside the heads of students at Charles University, girls, boys, the Czech nation, Vietnamese community, Czech McDonald’s

Piána na ulici (Pianos on street)
We recently interviewed Ondřej Kobza, the founder of the project Pianos on the Street who was behind the initiative to bring 35 pianos, free for anybody to play, around the Czech Republic. The project’s FB page is filled with videos of people playing (we like this recent one at the Prague airport) and updates on cool happenings in the streets.

What are your favorite local Facebook pages?

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